10 Website Mistakes That Might Be Impacting Sales

10 Website Mistakes That Might Be Impacting Sales



“If you think math is hard, try web design.”
~ Trish Parr

You thought having a website would lead to sales but the truth is, it’s not. In this piece I share common website mistakes I see business owners making time and time again when it comes to selling their products and services online. Many of which are fairly easy to fix.

Normally, when meeting with new clients, I suggest that website won’t be one of our priorities. I think it’s all too easy to get bogged down by trying to get your website perfect, when it’s actually much more important to be out there having conversations with people and building relationships.

That said, there are instances where a website IS a problem that needs fixing and in today’s letter I want to share with you 10 mistakes I see many business owners making, that could be impacting your sales.

1. No clear problem that you solve (aka niche)


When we land on a service provider’s website, we’re usually looking for help with a specific problem or struggle we have. If we don’t see any copy that speaks to that problem, we’re unlikely to stick around or consider engaging in the services provided.

Let me put this into context for you. As a parent to a 4 year old who struggles with big emotions, I’ve researched parenting coaches and courses a ton. If upon landing on a website I don’t see anything that relates to my particular issue, I’ll probably leave pretty quickly.

On the other hand when I came across a parenting coach who talks a lot about “Deeply Feeling Kids” and offers specific resources and services for parents of children like that, I was all over it. I joined her list, I signed up to her membership and I bought her book. I just knew she was the parenting expert who could help me.

Many of the business owners I work with struggle to narrow down to just one problem and that’s fine. You can list out a number of problems you offer support with but you must be clear and specific about which problems your services best help with so that people know you can help them when they land on your website.

2. Broken links

I see this all the time. It’s not uncommon for me to be reviewing a new client’s website and find links that don’t work and important links to boot. Links to book a consult call or to connect, links that could and would potentially lead to a sale.

And I get it, I remember speaking to the largest audience of my business journey a few years ago and wondering why, after I got so many messages and great feedback, that my subscriber count didn’t seem to go up at all. Months later, I realised that my newsletter sign up link was broken!

So it happens AND it’s so important to check regularly that any links that people might click to buy from you, connect with you or stay in touch with you aren’t broken.

3. No clear CTA or sales page

I remember being surprised the first time I saw this and have since seen it several times. This is where people might have something like a services or coaching page that explains what they do but it doesn’t have any call to action (CTA) on it. So there is nothing to tell people what to do next if they are interested, nothing, for example that says, “buy now”, or “get in touch” or “book a call”. Leaving people to wonder or guess what they should do next.

Worse yet I’ve seen many people showcase their offerings with just a few lines of description. No sales page explaining who the service is for, what it might help with and what to expect. Just a brief description and on top of that no CTA.

Let me tell you now, most people won’t spend money on something that they don’t know enough about or that they have to go searching for a way to actually buy or pay. If you are selling a service to your customers, I would recommend you have a sales page with a clear call to action at the bottom of it.

4. Too many offerings

I typically work with multi-talented and highly trained individuals who work with a multitude of modalities and thus offer a wide range of services. The problem is people aren’t usually searching for a modality, what they want to know is whether or not you can help them to solve their specific problem.

If you have too many different services, each relating to a different modality, there’s a good chance that people will find and leave your website feeling confused. When we’re not sure which route to take, we typically don’t take any. So if you are offering people too many options to work with you, without clarity on why you would use one service over another, you will inevitably miss out on sales.

Usually when I’m working with a client in this situation, I’ll ask them 2 questions, which of your services do people rarely or never book? And which of your services do you NOT love delivering? If there are any services that fall into either category, I recommend they remove them from their website or at the very least from their top-level menu. This way when people land on your site they are presented with only your most popular services and those which you actually enjoy delivering.

Another recommendation I give is that when you have multiple services, do what you can to explain why a person would choose one over the other by making it clear who the service is for. Ethical Copywriter. Lauren Van Mullem does a great job of this on her services page.

5. No stepping stone — freebie or low cost offer

A good business model will offer buyers a journey from not knowing you to buying from you and from buying a low cost offer to purchasing a more premium offering. So, if for example, you are a coach who only offers high priced coaching packages, you are expecting customers to skip a necessary part of the journey — getting to know you better.

Giving people a free or low-cost way to get to know you better allows people to take steps along the journey to buying from you that don’t feel like a huge leap of faith.

My recommendation is that you have, prominently displayed, on your website a freebie (ideally a generous freebie) and/or a low cost (less than $50) product people can buy to better know how you operate. If you can wow people with your freebie or low cost offer, you’re much more likely to see those people come back for your higher priced products and services.

6. No way to “meet” you before they buy

If the services you offer include spending significant time with your clients, I believe it’s essential that you allow people the opportunity to “meet” you before they buy. I remember years ago wanting to hire a practitioner and the minimum spend was significant. What I really wanted to do was meet her so I could be sure she was the right practitioner for me but as this wasn’t an option, I decided against hiring her.

I can’t tell you how many times people have told me that they were 95% certain that they wanted to buy from me but the decision was made 100%, as soon as they spoke to me.

There are a few ways you can do this. You can offer a call (for me this is done on Zoom) on your sales page. You might have noticed that aside from low cost offers like my workshops, I rarely have a “buy now” button on my sales page. It’s much more likely to be an application form (which is followed by a call) or a link to book a call directly.

If you don’t want to offer calls to everyone who might be considering your individual offerings, then find another way for people to “meet” you before they buy. My colleague Lauren, offers craft and copy hour, where you can bring a craft to work on and any questions you have about copy to a group video call. Or another client who is an incredible book coach who offers free Q+A calls for people who are working on a book. Doing a group freebie like this allows you to meet several people at once.

7. No blog or an out of date one

This is, in my opinion, a biggie! Since getting serious about my blog circa 2019, I regularly have people finding me through Google searches, who then end up buying from me or enrolling on to one of my services. It’s important to note that this happens without me having spent a ton of time on SEO, rather just creating high value content that answers the questions that my ideal clients have and are searching for.

If you don’t yet post new and useful content on your website on a regular basis, I’d recommend starting there. People often think that the sales page is the most important copy on your website but people regularly tell me they are ready to sign up to 1:1 with me, because of all the content they’ve read on my blog and how sold they already are on my approach. Posting regular blogs allows me to share my most up to date thinking on business growth and share details about my approach, my best advice and my point of view.

8. No pictures of you

They say a picture tells a thousand words and never is this more true than on a website offering 1:1 or group services.

If people are going to spend money working with you (as opposed to just buying a product) then they will want to know what you look like. Having pictures of you on. at least. your homepage and about page works wonders for cultivating a sense of trust and safety for your website browsers and potential clients.

And for the record, it doesn’t have to be photos from a professional photoshoot, all the photos on my website were taken by friends or family and it shows!

9. An unclear message or lack of Point of View

This is probably one of the hardest to get right because it requires us to possess that clarity in the first place. If you do have clarity on your message or you do have a strong point of view about your work or industry, then do what you can to make sure your copy reflects that.

If you don’t yet possess that clarity, then my recommendation to clients is to explore your message and point of view through your content. People often think that in order to create meaningful content that they have to already be clear on their message or point of view but in my own personal experience, it wasn’t until I got consistent with content that my message became crystal clear.

10. Bad design

This is last on the list for a reason. I think many people get tripped up by this one, thinking that they’ll never be successful unless they spend 10K on fancy website design. That’s simply not true. These days with templates, it’s pretty easy to DIY a relatively good-looking website. Having said that, if your website is really out of date and badly organised or designed, it will inevitably have a detrimental impact on sales.

If in doubt go for minimalist, clean, with lots of white space. You’ll also want to avoid large chunks of text without paragraph breaks or subtitles to break it up. It’s human nature to give up when we see a large amount of text with no breaks in it so break down your copy into smaller chunks!

And that’s it, are you making any of the mistakes on this list? Can you fix them? I’d love to know, so if you feel called to share, hit reply and let me know.



Once a week, in the form of an e-letter, I share the best of what I know about building a business with integrity for conscious business owners.

The intention behind these letters is to be a voice for integrity within your (undoubtedly) cluttered inbox. To be the one email you can count on to contain strategic and soulful advice for building a business without selling your soul.

If you want to receive the Soulful Strategies Weekly, simply share with me your name and email address below and you’ll start recieving emails right away.

Five Things To Include In Your Next Launch

Five Things To Include In Your Next Launch

“The future depends on what you do today.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi

I want to share with you my 5 of my favourite launch activities, just in case you are planning a Fall/Autumn launch.

With launch season (as I call it) coming up, now is the time to be thinking about our launch plans if we are thinking of launching something in September or October. It can be tempting to leave it until the other side of summer but getting into planning mode now will make for much better launch results.

I teach a whole course on launching, which includes several activities I recommend you take when launching a new product or service but in this piece, I’m simply going to share with you my top 5 activities you can include in any launch to make it more successful.

Let’s dive in.

1. Conduct audience research

This one sometimes gets a few groans. Many people resist doing the research before getting too deep into launch mode because they either see it as a waste of time (because they believe they already know what people think) or they worry that the people will tell them things that they don’t want to act on.

The reality is that audience research is foundational to the success of any new offering. Conducting audience research in the form of calls early on in the launch process (aka the pre-launch phase), is a great way to do the following:

  • Test your idea to see if it’s really what people need and want. They might need something and not necessarily want it and therefore won’t pay for it.
  • Get the exact language your audience is using to describe their struggle or challenge. This is great for copy and sales pages.
  • Let your audience know what you are creating before you even begin asking for the sale.
  • Let’s your audience know you care about what they think and value their input into your creative process. This is great for building stronger relationships.

Check out the bottom of this piece for an example of how to invite people into research calls.

2. Use takeover graphics

When we’re in launch mode, it’s easy to think that we should be posting about our new offering all the time and yet as conscious business owners we don’t want to do that, because we don’t want to bombard our people.

My solution to this is to use takeover graphics on social media. What that means is changing the cover photo for my Facebook Business Page and Facebook groups that promote my offer with a link in the description to my sales page.

This is also possible on LinkedIn and for platforms that don’t use a cover photo, like Instagram, I simply change my bio so that it let’s people know I am launching something and links to the sales page. What this means is anyone visiting your channel can immediately see that you are launching something, without you needing to post that fact EVERY day!

See below for an example of my last takeover graphic on my Business Facebook Page.

3. Launch partners

This is one of my favourite launch strategies and probably the one that gets most overlooked. Whenever I start planning a launch, I think of a few colleagues, clients or mentors who I think might be willing to share about my new offer with their audience.

I then reach out to them, as early in the process as possible, to ask if they would be willing to support my launch by sharing details with their people. I do this early to give them time to plan it in and so that I can approach other people if they say no. I’m fortunate to have created some great relationships both with colleagues and former clients and in part I think this is because of my generosity in sharing about their offerings.

Having a small group of people supporting your launch can be the difference in a handful of people hearing about it and several hundred or even several thousand people.

4. 1:1 invitations

When we’re launching something new, it’s easy to become focused on our one to many marketing. Social media posts, newsletters etc. What I’ve found to be especially effective is actually taking the time to send personal and thoughtful 1:1 invitations to people who you would personally love to be involved (if it’s a live program, for example) or who you think might really benefit from your new offer.

We tend to think this will come across as pushy or salesy but when done with an attitude of service, with zero attachment to outcome it can actually feel like a compliment by the recipient.

Before I even get into launch mode, I like to think of 10 people would love to have in my workshop/program or who I think would benefit greatly from my new offering and if they haven’t bought as we get near to the end of the launch period, I might drop them a brief note to let them know that I’m offering something I think they’d be a great fit for. No pressure of course! I also never send any links and prefer to say something along the lines of: if you’d like to know more, let me know and I’ll send over details.

5. Final Call communications

I’ve been launching stuff online for a decade now and one thing I’ve learned is that people like to leave their buying decision until the last minute. I can’t tell you how many times, I’ve had a launch, only to get a flurry of sales on the first announcement and then nothing for the rest of the launch period and then another flurry of sales when I make the final call.

It can be tempting to think that if people have stopped buying/signing up that we’ve made all the sales that we’re going to make but sending a reminder to people that the deadline for purchase is approaching (if there is a deadline!) is often all it takes to have people make a decision. I would say that in most of my launches, an equal number of people sign up at the end as they do at the beginning.

Now gently reminding people is different to many of the FOMO inducing tactics we see online like countdown timers and messages like “last chance” and “don’t miss out!” Instead I prefer to send an email titled “Last call to sign up for xxxx” and I’ll also do some last call posts on social. That way hopefully those people who were considering buying but hadn’t yet decided get the opportunity to buy before the deadline passes.

And there you have it 5 of my favourite launch activities.

As I mentioned there are many other launch activities just like these that I cover in my 4 part training series but I hope that these 5 will at least give you some ideas to be getting on with. Hit the button below to access the sales page.


That’s it for today, other than to let you know that you can comment and let me know if you have any questions about what I’ve shared in this piece.


The Exact Formula I Use to Price My Offerings

The Exact Formula I Use to Price My Offerings

“If you’re not worried you’re pricing it too cheap, you’re not pricing it cheap enough.”
~ Roy Williams

Ethical and accessible pricing is super important to me. So much so that I get told regularly that I don’t charge enough for what I offer. I love it when that happens because that’s actually one of my primary goals with everything I create — to give tons of value for the most affordable price possible.

Now I say affordable, but of course, that’s subjective. What’s affordable for one person might be impossible for another person, but my strategy around pricing is to go as low as I can on price without sacrificing myself and my livelihood. I do this because I remember well how hard it was to access useful and much-needed business advice when my business was not yet making enough money to be able to afford it. Talk about a catch 22.

I knew early on that I didn’t want to be a business owner who charged exorbitant prices for my work.

So if I don’t charge the way I often see others in the mainstream marketing and business coaching world charging, how do I come up with my prices and how do I advise my clients come up with their prices?

Pricing is something that gets discussed in many of my coaching sessions. And when it does, the topic of worth often comes up — i.e. what is this offering worth to the end user? Which on the face of it might seem like a sensible question to ask but when it comes to services or digital products like coaching, workshops or courses, “worth” is a tricky one to determine.

By comparison, physical products are a different story because there is a cost to the elements included in the product itself. An Apple phone, for example, is worth more than a cheap, unheard of brand phone because the quality of materials and the technical spec are significantly higher. Worth in this case is easier to determine because of the cost to make it.

Given that there is rarely physical materials involved in what I or my clients sell, a better predictor of price is time. Let me walk you through what I mean.

When considering the price of a new offering, I first consider my minimum hourly rate. That is the lowest amount of money I want to earn per hour of my time spent delivering my services.

This is something I highly recommend you do for yourself.

In terms of how you come up with that number, I usually recommend considering the figure below which you would start to feel resentful. For example, if someone paid you $75 for an hour of your time would that leave you feeling resentful? If so, at what point would you not feel resentful and start from there.

Remember, your minimum hourly rate today can increase with time as your audience and demand grows. Starting off lower gives you that scope but if you start off high and find that price is affecting sales then it’s harder to reduce prices without sending the message that not enough people were buying.

My minimum hourly rate is currently 150 euros. The only thing I charge that for are the discounted single sessions I offer to former 1:1 clients or CBM participants. The price per hour for all other offerings is usually higher. Hence it’s my minimum hourly rate.

A few years ago I hit a cap in my earning potential with 1:1. Given that there are only so many 1:1 sessions I can do in a day, week or month and that I wanted to keep my services accessible when it comes to price, putting my rates up to 300–500$ a session (like many other business coaches with my level of experience do) didn’t feel like an option for me. So I had to think about other ways to make more money per hour.

That’s when I started to offer workshops — that way I can keep prices low and work to get more sales so that I can hit and even exceed my minimum hourly rate target.

Taking into account my minimum hourly rate of 150€, I was able to work through how to price my workshops based on how much time I needed to spend delivering the product and the number of sales I’m likely to make.

Note that I say time spent delivering the services not creating the services. This is because the creation of a workshop only happens once, but because I get revenue for my workshops in multiple ways I don’t include creation time in the price. For example, I usually go on to sell the replay of my workshops and I often deliver my workshops in other people’s group programs or masterminds and get new clients as a result. I even use the same teachings in my group mastermind which I’m generating revenue from too.

I also don’t include my marketing time in the cost of my workshops. I’m of the believe that we do our marketing to get paid not get paid to do our marketing.

You might find that including this time in the price is important but I’ve found that if I try to include creation time and marketing time, it renders the price prohibitive for many.

So let’s work through this with a real example.

Recently I’ve been charging 50€ for a 3-part workshop. This is cheaper than many of my colleagues might charge for 4+ hours of training, but here’s how I do the math.

First of all I figure out how long it will take me to deliver my workshop. Let’s use my Create More Clients with Gift Sessions Workshop as a working example.

This was a 3-part workshop which included 2 x 90 minute sessions plus 1 x 60 minute session. That’s a total of 4 hours.

But there is also some prep before each session. Let’s say one hour per session. This makes for a total of 7 hours.

If I go back to my minimum hourly rate of 150€, that means I would need to make 7 x 150 (1050) in sales for this to hit my target of at least 150€ an hour.

I figured if I priced the workshop at 50€ and got 20 people registered, I would just about make it (and that’s without replay sales).

In the end, I actually had 17 people register for the live workshop which brought in 850€ but since then I’ve made 11 sales of the replay which adds up to another 550€, bringing the running total to 1400€ which brings my hourly rate up to 200€ for the time spent delivering that workshop. This will only increase as more sales of the replay are purchased.

I’m aware that these figures are lower than I would like, but I’m aware that as I grow my audience and the number of live attendees and replay sales grow, so will the revenue.

Hopefully, that makes sense. But just in case it doesn’t let’s work through a second example. My Conscious Business Mastermind.

I charge 135€ per person per month for this program. There’s usually 1 x 75 min call every Tuesday (excluding my holidays). This year for the first time and because the number of participants was high, I decided to run two groups. So that’s 2 x 75 min calls per week. And let’s say I spend about 2 hours a week on call prep and between call support inside the Facebook Group, that means I’m spending 4.5 hours a week on the delivery of this program.

It used to be a lot more because I was doing all of the admin and creating the content from scratch but this is my 5th year of running the Mastermind so much of the content has already been created, refined and improved and I have VA support for much of the admin.

If we consider the average month is 4 weeks long then I’m spending approximately 18 hours a month on the delivery of this program. 18 x 150 = 2700€ so this is the number I need to exceed if I hope to clear my minimum hourly rate. With 22 participants each paying 135€ a month, that brings in 2,970€. It’s important to note that I also don’t run the CBM every single week of the year as I have holidays so when you take this into account it well exceeds my minimum hourly rate.

So my price of 135€ a month feels good to me, despite the fact that people are constantly telling me I should and could charge more. That said, because of the feedback and to account for inflation, taxes and Stripe fees, I will probably put the price up to 150€ next year.

Now this all might sound great, but the downside is when you don’t hit your sales target. There have been years where my Mastermind didn’t make its sales target and the numbers didn’t look so great and the same for some of the workshops I’ve run.

That’s why I always recommend having a minimum number of sales. So that you can say, if this workshop doesn’t get at least X number of sales, I will cancel it and refund people’s money. Or if you know it’s early days and you’re prepared to make less as you build it up, then go into it knowing that this is something that will grow.

My first Mastermind had 6 people paying 100€ a month and boy did I do more work than I got paid for that year, but over time it’s grown into a profitable source of revenue and one that I absolutely love delivering too! So it was definitely worth the hit in that first year.

The formula is, therefore, as follows:

Number of delivery hours (DH) x Minimum hourly rate (MHR) ÷ Expected number of sales (ES) = PRICE

So in the case of a my gift sessions workshop, my formula ran as follows:

7 (DH) x 150 (MHR) ÷ 20 = 52.50 (Price). Hence why I priced my workshops at 50 euros.

Going forward, I do feel this price has to go up somewhat because of what gets taken in fees and taxes.

Now, I’m not saying that this is how you should price your services. I do believe pricing is very personal and even when I run the formula and it looks like I won’t hit my minimum hourly rate, I may still choose the price that “feels right” but I have found this formula helpful and I hope you do too. Let me know in the comments if this breakdown was helpful to you. I’d love to know.



Once a week, in the form of an e-letter, I share the best of what I know about building a business with integrity for conscious business owners.

The intention behind these letters is to be a voice for integrity within your (undoubtedly) cluttered inbox. To be the one email you can count on to contain strategic and soulful advice for building a business without selling your soul.

If you want to receive the Soulful Strategies Weekly, simply share with me your name and email address below and you’ll start recieving emails right away.

Ignore Red Flags At Your Peril. A Cautionary Tale

Ignore Red Flags At Your Peril. A Cautionary Tale

“Intuition is a sense of knowing how to act spontaneously, without needing to know why.”
~ Sylvia Clare

I want to share with you a personal story about the worst thing that has happened to me in over 12 years of working online. I’ve decided to share it so that I can glean the learning from the experience and pass that on to you (in the hope that it’s helpful) and also because to write and share about it feels like my best way of processing it.

I’m sure you all know what I mean when I refer to red flags. We often hear the term used in the context of dating and it can also apply when we are choosing which clients to work with.

Google’s definition of red flag is this: “something that indicates or draws attention to a problem, danger, or irregularity.”

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably ignored a red flag or two as it relates to working with clients and suffered the consequences of doing so. I thought I’d got pretty good at spotting red flags and taking measures to mitigate against them, but recently I messed up big time in this regard.

In the context of this story, my use of the term red flags relates to whether or not a person might be a fit for me and my work. Red flags in this case, simply point to things that indicate that the person in question might not fall into what constitutes an ideal client for me. Everyone’s red flags and ideal client descriptions will, of course, differ.

So it all started when someone completed the application form for coaching on my 1:1 coaching sales page. The next step I take, once someone has filled in the form, is to read the application thoroughly and then decide if I want to schedule a call with that person.

To be transparent, I don’t remember ever not offering a call to someone who has completed the application form. Most people find me through my content, or come from a word of mouth referral and as such, I rarely have calls with people who aren’t a fit.

The way it normally goes is this: the person completes the form, I send my scheduler, the person books a call, we have the call and then we decide whether or not we want to work together. It’s a process that around 60 people have been through since I implemented it 2 years ago and I’ve never had any negative feedback or experiences from it. Until I did.

This particular person found me on Google which, from experience, can mean that they know less about my approach than other warmer leads and can mean that we’re not a fit, but not always.

Usually at this point I do a bit of research, look at the website, check out their social media accounts and get a sense of the person and their business. I do this to ascertain whether or not this is a business owner I think I can help.

In this case, where I ask on the application form for details about “audience”, this person wrote “N/a” and said that they didn’t have any social media channels related to their work. This could have been a red flag (given that I primarily work with “online” business owners) but I have worked with many clients who hadn’t yet got their websites or channels set up so I dismissed it as unimportant at this stage.

Even though the answers were fairly sparse, I went ahead and sent this person a link to book a call. Shortly afterwards I received an email questioning my time slots as they were the middle of the night for her and saying that despite being a night owl, meeting that late would be pretty weird even for her.

Less than 48 hours later, before I had a chance to reply, she forwarded her previous message with a solitary “?”. A personal pet peeve of mine. As a solopreneur, who manages my own inbox, I struggle to keep up with the amount of emails I receive on a daily basis and always do my best to prioritise emails from my paying clients. This means that sometimes it takes me a while to get back to people. Something I value highly is patience and understanding. This was a red flag that I should not have ignored.

Despite this, I followed up with her to let her know when in my schedule the next daytime slot (8am) in her timezone was available. The next thing I know she booked a call at 1am her time, which was very confusing in light of her last message. So, I followed up to make sure that it wasn’t a mistake. She said it wasn’t a mistake and that 1am worked better for her than 8am.

By this point all of this back and forth over email and all of these little niggles amounted to a sense of unease in me, I can’t really explain why, but something just didn’t feel right. I’ve learned, after well over a decade of dealing with strangers on the internet, to honour my instincts when I feel uneasy.

Realising that the only availability I had to work with her, should we get through the work together call and decide to proceed, would mean having ongoing coaching sessions at 2.30am or 8am — both of which she had said weren’t ideal, I decided to email her to let her know, and suggest that as a result of this, I may not be the coach for her.

Several confused emails later (she thought I was trying to change the time of our work together call) and she finally shared that the available time slots of 2.30am or 8am would not be a problem for her. Which left me feeling even more confused as it contradicted what she had already told me.

I’ll be honest. I should have cancelled the call at this point as I already knew deep down that I didn’t want to have it.

So why didn’t I cancel? Well at this point it was just a feeling that we wouldn’t be a fit. I was also in the middle of my CBM launch and onboarding the 2024 cohort and I didn’t have the headspace to craft a message that could explain why I was cancelling the call.

It’s also a really tricky one, how do you tell someone you have a gut feeling that you’re not a fit for each other without offering some explanation? So, instead, I said fine and agreed to go ahead with the call which was going to take place just 90 minutes before my first CBM call of the year, which is a pretty big deal in my calendar!

Then, the night before our session (after I had already gone to bed) this person wrote to tell me that she wouldn’t be putting her video on during the call. When I saw this email on waking, it was like all the red flags converged at once and I just didn’t want to get on the call. It was the hour before my mastermind kick-off call, I was already feeling uneasy about the call and now I wasn’t going to be able to see this person (video is extremely important to me, especially when trying to forge a connection).

So I decided to cancel the call, with 2.5 hours notice. Not ideal I know, but I just didn’t want to get on a work together call with someone I had already decided I wasn’t going to work with.

This was the email I sent:

Hi xxx,

I’m really sorry to do this but I’m going to cancel our call. I’ve made this decision for a few reasons.

Firstly, I have an extremely busy day today as I kick off my group program and the slot you booked wouldn’t normally work for me, it was only available because I opened up more spots to talk to people interested in the group program.

Also having no way of confirming your identity, given you have no website and no social media and now no video, I’m not feeling comfortable about the call.

Finally, on re-reading your application, I’m not sure I’m the best fit for what you need anyway. I tend to work with people who already have a social presence and an audience.

I apologise for any inconvenience.


What followed was a flurry of angry emails.

In which she accused me of being thoughtless, inconsiderate, unprofessional and unethical. She accused me of treating her like an object, tossing her out like trash and described the cancellation as a punch in the gut and said that I had ruined her chances of trusting or opening up to another person online.

She also said in regard to the video that I didn’t need to see her face and that a good coach would do what their client is comfortable with not the other way around.

I was shocked by her response and I genuinely felt bad that she was so upset by the cancellation. But, given the tone of her emails, I also felt somewhat relieved that I had cancelled the call. Now my gut feeling made sense.

I tried my hardest to reply with kindness, stating in my reply: “I’m truly sorry you feel that way, it was never my intention to cause harm.”

And attempted to explain my decision, “When you said you weren’t going to do video, it prompted me to look deeper at your application and my gut feeling was that I’m not the coach for you. For me it felt more unprofessional to waste an hour of your time than to get on a call, knowing already that I didn’t feel that working together would be a fit.”

This just seemed to make her even more angry and she accused me of trying to excuse the inexcusable, saying “you are wrong and you refuse to admit it”.

I’m not going to lie, these emails were deeply unnerving.

I’ve never had someone get so angry at me before and all this was now happening in the hour before my CBM kick-off call, the very space I had wanted to protect, so after she ended an email with the words “spare me any more self-serving emails.” I decided to close down my email and try to gather myself to host the first group call of my yearlong group program. I was genuinely shaken.

After the call, I had lunch with my 6 year old. Normally I rush around trying to clean up and answer emails while he watches a bit of post-lunch TV. On this day, still feeling knocked by the experience, I felt the need to snuggle with him on the sofa. Cuddling with him started to calm my nervous system. I had my phone on the arm of the sofa when I saw a notification pop on the screen saying that this woman had not recommended my business on Facebook. My heart plummeted, I had a spike of adrenaline and I cautiously opened up Facebook.

This is the review that she left (available for anyone who visits my Facebook page to see):

Caroline canceled our scheduled appointment that I anxiously waited a whole week for, just FIVE MINUTES before our call time…. because she “couldn’t find my social media”. 😳
For the record, I have an established writing & consulting business that I keep under my pen name, she never brought up this concern in all the surveys and emails back and forth, she just suddenly decided to treat a new client like trash without any warning or attempt at communication.
Oh and don’t believe the sales pitch about her “compassionate” approach to helping introverted, sensitive service professionals with their online businesses… she is ruthless, money driven, zero compassion, and I felt objectified during the entire onboarding process, right down to revealing my financial information on pure faith to a complete stranger. SO inappropriate… Felt like a slap in the face that she turned out to be thoughtless and unprofessional, unethical “coach”.
Don’t trust the fluff written by her friends in the recommendations… I recommend you run the other way and find guidance for your life/business anywhere else… it wasn’t just a waste of time, it was deeply hurtful and dehumanizing the way she treats people as pure comodities without any respect to them having feelings or schedules of their own. I’m sorry I ever trusted her “pitch” only to end up feeling so violated. 😓

In that moment, I felt devastated. I couldn’t help but feel that all of my years of hard work had been trashed by a stranger on the internet, one I had never even spoken to and all for cancelling a call.

Words like ruthless, money driven, objectified, unethical and dehumanizing swam around my brain. I felt total panic.

I had my second group CBM call that afternoon, so I did my best to put it out of my mind and focus on other things, but that felt impossible.

That night, I couldn’t fall asleep, I kept going over every aspect of her review. Was I really ruthless? How am I money driven? Would it not be more “money driven” to get on a call with someone I didn’t think was a fit? Am I unethical? Is my enrolment process really objectifying? Why had no one else said anything?

You get the idea. I was rattled and it made me question everything.

I subsequently blocked her Facebook profile from my page and reported her review to Facebook. I have no idea if they will remove it but I’m okay with the fact that it may stay there. I felt nervous that she may show up in other places to write bad things about me.

So that’s the bad news.

The good news is that I got through it and within a few days I started to feel better, as I realised that there were lessons to be learned from this experience.

This is what I’ll take from it:

1. If something a (potential) client wants or needs makes me uncomfortable, we are not a fit. Period.
I can’t do my job effectively if I feel uncomfortable.

2. I absolutely reserve the right to cancel a call if something doesn’t feel right and I’ll probably add words to this effect somewhere in the enrolment process.

3. From now on I will read each application for coaching carefully and thoroughly and if in doubt follow up with clarifying questions.

4. I won’t offer a call if it doesn’t feel like a fit or if something doesn’t feel right.

5. I will create an email template for use in these situations. I’ve always struggled a little here because I’ve never wanted to lie and say I don’t have availability if I do but saying we’re not a fit right off the bat can feel a little brutal.

I’m thinking something along the lines of: “thank you for your application, based on your answers, my feeling is that I’m not the coach for you. If you would like me to refer you to a coach who may be in a better position to serve you, let me know”

What do you think? I’d love to know. Do you have a suggestion? I’ll be honest, I find this bit tricky and I am open to ideas.

6. People can say bad things about me without it meaning anything about who I actually am.

And that’s it. Thankfully the worst and only bad thing to happen to me on the internet in over 12 years, so something like this was probably overdue!

I thought long and hard about whether or not to share this story and I decided I would for a few reasons.

I like to be transparent with my struggles not just my wins, a hope that you can gain something from my experience and to remind you of these 3 things:

  • Always trust your instincts, even when you can’t explain them.
  • Don’t work with anyone who expects you to sacrifice your comfort for theirs. Your ability to do good work, requires you to feel comfortable and safe.
  • Don’t stop yourself from showing up for your business out of a fear criticism, you can do your best and still get criticised, the key is you will get over it.



Once a week, in the form of an e-letter, I share the best of what I know about building a business with integrity for conscious business owners.

The intention behind these letters is to be a voice for integrity within your (undoubtedly) cluttered inbox. To be the one email you can count on to contain strategic and soulful advice for building a business without selling your soul.

If you want to receive the Soulful Strategies Weekly, simply share with me your name and email address below and you’ll start recieving emails right away.

3 Ways To Conduct More Loving Launches

3 Ways To Conduct More Loving Launches

“Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.”
~ Nicholas Sparks

You’ve likely been on the receiving end of an annoying and spammy launch or two. You know the type, where we’re bombarded by emails laden with manipulation, using all the tricks in the book to get us to BUY NOW. Countdown timers, time related bonuses, language that plays on our fear of missing out, to name just a few of the tactics many online businesses employ to leave us feeling anxious and reaching for our credit card.

If you’ve ever felt stressed by someone else’s launch or anxious because you feel torn about whether or not you really need what’s being sold, then for sure you’ve been on the receiving end of some sort of launch manipulation.

Early on in my business, I noticed not only how stressed I felt by other people’s launches but also how uncomfortable I felt about running my own. I followed the mainstream advice about launching and it felt unnatural and icky to me. Did I make sales? Sure but I didn’t feel good doing it. Since then I’ve learned that it’s not only possible to feel good about launching but for it to feel good for your audience too.

A few years ago after experimenting in my own business and watching how some of my more ethical business mentors were launching, I came up with the concept of Loving Launches, which I’ve since taught to countless clients and mastermind participants. The main idea behind this approach is that your launches can feel loving to those on the receiving end of your launch materials and can therefore also feel good for you to execute.

I’d like to share with you 3 easy and practical ways to make your launches more loving.

1. Separate out your content and your sales copy

This is a big one and warrants some explanation.

Often what we see online is a manipulative blend of content (designed to appear useful) and the sales pitch (woven into the content). See below for an example of a launch email you could quite easily receive:

Subject: How to execute more loving launches

Email body: A load of description of the problem, much like the 3 paragraphs preceding point 1 of this email. But instead of actually giving you any information on how to conduct loving launches, it would instead segue into a sales pitch about a workshop or program where you could get this information.

See how the subject line draws you in because it looks like you are going to get some useful and practical information?

And then to really get you hooked, it digs into your pain points? But instead of giving you any practical advice to alleviate that pain, it simply points you to a sales page where you can buy or enrol in something that will alleviate that pain. The solution, it turns out, sits behind a paywall. 

To put it simply, this sucks. I really dislike this practice. Primarily because it’s manipulative and dishonest but also because it wastes our time. As someone who is busy, when I open an email expecting to get something of value and instead get sold to, I feel totally duped. It damages my relationship with the business and over time makes me less likely to open future emails.

If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, I invite you to pay attention to the emails you are receiving from mailing lists you are subscribed to. Notice if you see a subject line and think “oh that sounds like it will be useful to read”, only to feel disappointed when you do read it because it made it sound like you were going to get an answer to a problem you have, but the contents of the email only hint at the solution and then invite you into some pricey program or course in which you’ll learn the answer for real. That’s what I’m talking about here.

What to do instead:

What I like to do instead is to make my content and my sales copy distinct so that someone can read my content and get value from it whether or not they choose to buy whatever it is that I may be selling at the time. Why do I do this? Because it lights me up to be of service and it develops meaningful trust over the long term between me and my audience, which is essential to future sales. If you want to read more about how I make my content more effective click here.

How does this work in practice?

Instead of combining your content and sales pitch, separate them out. So for example, when announcing your new product or service, announce it with a sales email solely dedicated to the sale of your offering, making it super clear in the subject line that, that is what you are doing. See below for an example from my own business:

When I was launching a workshop, I sent the following email announcement:

Subject line: Book Your Spot on My Upcoming Client Creation Workshop — Notice how clear it is that I am selling something? There’s no hook to draw people in, I make it clear I’m selling something before you even open the email — yet when I do this my open rate is usually a touch higher than when I’m not specifically selling something. (I’ll let you in on a secret — people want to know what you have to offer!)

If you want to see exactly what that sales email contained — click here — essentially it reads like a mini sales page because that’s what it is — a sales letter.

No manipulation here. Just a simple and transparent invitation to book a spot on my upcoming workshop. If you already know you don’t want, or can’t afford, to attend a workshop, you don’t even have to open the email.

Following this email, I did put reminders at the bottom of future e-letters, but I still kept it separate from the (hopefully) valuable content I was providing. I do this so that the email has value for the reader whether or not they are interested in what I am launching.

Another example is this blog post, I have a CTA at the bottom for my Loving Launches Workshop but I’ve hopefully given you enough value in this piece to make it worth a read, regardless of if you sign up. 

2. Allow people to opt out

This isn’t necessary for a small, say 2-week launch where you’re only going to send maybe one or two more emails than usual but if you are doing a big launch where you might be sending a larger number of sales emails over a 6–12 week period then, I would also recommend giving people the option to opt out up front

This is where you provide a link for people to click to opt out of sales emails while staying on your main mailing list.

It always surprises me that more people don’t do this because it’s a such win-win. First of all you empower your subscribers to opt-out of your sales emails if they already know that they don’t want to buy your new offering and it also minimises the amount of unsubscribes you might otherwise get from your mailing list from people who don’t want to hear about something they are not interested in.

I first saw this approach from from fellow ethical business coach, Mark Silver of Heart of Business. He always includes a link at the top of launch emails to give people the option to stay on his email list but not receive sales emails. See the image below for an example.

It’s super easy to do in the back end of your mailing service provider and really frees you up to share about your new offering with the people who want to know about it, without worrying about annoying those that aren’t interested.

3. Sell the concept not the product

This is one I learned from ethical marketer, Tad Hargrave, as I observed and analysed a number of his launches.

In traditional launches, what we usually see is a bombardment of information about what makes *this* offering so great. We’ll likely see a ton of information about the benefits and features of doing *this* program or course and countless details about how you won’t necessarily find the same information elsewhere.

In typical launches, the business owner is doing a hard sell on the product. Why you should buy it and what makes it so special and irresistible.

When you sell the concept, you share a lot of information about the subject of your offering rather than the offering itself. So if, for example, you are selling a program about embodied movement, rather than constantly talking about why your embodiment program is so great, you would instead talk about why embodiment, in general, is so great for people.

You would use your launch content to educate people about embodiment and why it’s important and share useful and practical information on how to be more embodied in your life. And you needn’t worry about it harming sales either. Many people think if they give away too much of the good stuff in their free content, that people won’t then go on to buy the course or program on offer. This has not been my experience.

Because here’s the thing. People don’t take your program or course because they want more information. They sign up to work with you because they want the personal hand-holding or accountability that comes from getting the information packaged in a certain way. If it’s a high-touch program, then they’re signing up because they want greater access to you.

This is great news because it means you can feel free to generously share useful information about your subject-area without worrying that it will harm sales of your product or service.

So there you have it, 3 ways to make your launch more loving for you and your audience. Please let me know in the comments if you found this information useful.

Introducing Loving Launches

On Friday 21st July at 5pm CEST, I’ll be kicking off a workshop series on how to execute loving launches. The idea being that launching needn’t be painful for you or your audience and can actually be something you and your audience look forward to.

I’m running this in July so that you can feel ready and prepared to launch in September/October time should you be planning to do so.

In this class I’ll teach:

  • How to reframe your launches from painful to joyful.
  • How to be strategic in your launch rather than throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping for the best.
  • 9 big launch ideas
  • A 6-step strategy for launching
  • Different types of launch content you can use in your loving launches
  • And I’ll also share a ton of templates and planning tools (as usual :))

If you know you want in, click here to register.

5 Pieces Of Sales Advice I Choose To Ignore (+ Why)

5 Pieces Of Sales Advice I Choose To Ignore (+ Why)

Trust is like love. Both parties have to feel it before it really exists.”
~ Simon Sinek

I want to share with you 5 pieces of mainstream sales advice that seriously bug the hell out of me. I’m pretty sure you’ll recognise most of these and maybe you already sense that they’re not exactly ethical, but in this piece, I want to illustrate why they won’t work for your kinds of clients and what to do instead.

Typically the type of business owner I work with is what I call a conscious changemaker. Somebody who wants to make a difference in the world, who runs a purpose-driven business that helps people. They are typically (although not always) introverted and identify as highly sensitive, not surprisingly, just like me. It follows then that their clients have similar traits and characteristics. Like attracts like and all that. It also follows that mainstream, manipulative and aggressive sales and marketing tactics don’t sit well with these sorts of people, which is why it’s so important to understand the damage that they do to your business and your reputation.

1. Hide Your Price

Oh my goodness, this makes top of the list, not only because it infuriates me so much, but because I genuinely don’t understand how this can help you make more sales. The advice goes, don’t put your price on your sales page and have people “apply” or enquire about signing up for your service. You must have seen it, a ridiculously long sales page with tons of testimonials and details on every single aspect of the service and no price, it particularly gets me when they even have a FAQ section and yet there is no “how much does it cost?” question. No, to ask that question, you have to enquire or get on a call with the person, talk about manipulative!

Why I don’t think this works. Personally, if I don’t know the price of something I am not going to go through the effort of applying or reaching out or getting on a call with someone only to have to back out if I can’t afford it. Nobody wants to have to admit that they can’t afford something after they’ve already told you they want it. It can feel uncomfortable and embarrassing and for that reason, I think many people just don’t bother. Also, in my experience, the people who typically employ this tactic charge high prices and so it follows that when people see this, the assumption is that it’s going to be too expensive. I once had a new client come to me who was using this tactic and her prices were great — affordable and accessible — I wonder how many people she lost because they assumed no price meant high ticket.

It also flies in the face of one of my most dearly-held values, which is transparency. Transparency fosters trust and trust is the foundation for a more meaningful and, in the context of transformational work, impactful relationship. Who wants to be coached by someone who hides something as important as price? Not me.

The ethical alternative. Display your price prominently. My awesome copywriter and long-standing client Lauren Van Mullem suggests a “need to know” section at the top of the page with all the most important details so you don’t have to scroll to find them. What a breath of fresh air — to see an example from one of her sales pages head here. Making people scroll for the price and putting it after a ton of testimonials is also a form of manipulation so make it easy for people to find.

2. Charge premium prices

Closely linked to the last point (because why would you need to hide your prices unless they are extortionate?) is the advice to charge premium prices. This advice isn’t linked to years in business, skillset or qualifications, in fact, it’s blanket advice for all coaches, even those fresh out of training.

Why I don’t think this works
First of all, not all services are premium. This obsession in the online business world with premium and high ticket offerings is, in my opinion, unhealthy and unhelpful for most business owners. To charge premium pricing, people expect a premium offering. What pains me is when I see business owners, with little experience, a DIY’d brand and image charging the same as the six-figure marketing coaches they hope to emulate.

It also goes without saying that the more expensive you price yourself, the less accessible you make your service and the harder it becomes to get the sale.
To charge premium pricing as a beginner in business is a dangerous trap to fall into, both for the service provider and the client. If you, as a business owner don’t believe in your price, you’ll never enrol clients at that price. There has to be alignment and integrity when we state our prices. We have to believe that it’s truly a sound investment for the person before us if they are to believe it too.

My advice. Don’t charge premium prices unless you feel ready to and you want to position yourself as a premium service. And remember, not all online services have to be premium or only be accessible to those who can afford them. You can still offer high value services and charge more accessible pricing (and make a good income to boot!).

The ethical alternative: Charge less and make your service more accessible or if you want to offer a premium service, increase your prices in line with your increased experience and expertise and be sure that what you offer is in fact premium. To read more on my thoughts around pricing head here.

3. Charge for discovery calls

Yes, unbelievably this is a thing. There are business coaches out there who will encourage you to charge a fee for people to get on a call to find out more about your paid service. I’m lost for words on this one to be honest. I’ve heard the argument, from coaches who use this strategy, that it’s so that their time doesn’t get wasted by people who aren’t serious about working with them but I don’t buy it (excuse the pun). My hunch is that this is just another way to create a sense of exclusivity and that feeling of “if it costs money, then it must be valuable” or “if I pay for it then I must be committed” neither of which I think is necessarily true.

Why I don’t think this works
I would imagine that it’s pretty obvious why this wouldn’t work. Of course, if you have a six-figure coach who employs the full range of manipulative tactics out there and has got people to a place of serious fomo, then people in their audience may well feel that “getting to” speak to this coach is worth paying money for, even if there is nothing of value being exchanged, in fact, what’s typically happening is that you are paying to be sold to. But for the newbie coach with a fledgling audience, the chances of people paying to get on a sales call with you are slim to none, making this one of the worst pieces of sales I’ve come across over the years.

The ethical alternative: what I suggest is the complete opposite of this tactic and that is to offer a whole gift session to people interested in working with you, with no pitch and no obligation to buy. It’s been my experience and that of many of my clients that when we operate with this kind of generosity and a deep desire to serve rather than simply get the sale, people really notice and as a result, sales are in fact much more likely.

4. Overcoming objections in sales calls

The idea behind this is that when people say that they can’t buy from you for reasons such as affordability or it not being the right time, you overcome those objections essentially by helping them see things differently. If you google “overcoming objections in sales calls” you’ll find plenty more examples of objections and how to overcome them.

Why I don’t think this works
In my experience when people raise objections about working together it’s because they just don’t want to do it, whatever the reason. Perhaps the reason is that they don’t feel like it’s a fit but find that hard to say. Maybe there’s something about us that they don’t quite gel with but would never dream of saying that to our face. “I can’t afford it right now” is a great way to say no, without saying anything that might offend. So if we start to try and coach that person on their money mindset, it can start to get deeply uncomfortable for all involved very quickly.

Having coached hundreds of people, I can safely say that the people who are what I call a “hell yes!” are the clients who show up with the greatest levels of commitment and enthusiasm for the work. If I have to convince someone to say yes, it’s a sign to me that they’re not a fit.

I remember a year or so ago, someone on a work together call said to me, I’m not totally sure I want to do this. To which I replied, me neither. She seemed quite taken aback until I explained that one of my key criteria for fit (yes I am checking that potential clients are a fit for me) is that they are 100% sure they want to move forward. Anything less and I don’t believe the coaching relationship will be powerful enough to weather the inevitable ups and downs of the business growth journey.

The ethical alternative: Slow down the sale. I give people as much time and space as possible to make the right decision. I would never dream of trying to overcome an objection, but I will give people the time they need to get to a place of certainty about working together themselves. Offering a gift session to potential clients is the best way I know to give someone as much information as you can about what it would be like to work together, thus allowing them to make a truly informed decision. For more on slowing down the sale head here.

5. Give people a false deadline

We’ve all seen this one. We’re asked to make a decision by some arbitrary date or face a much higher price. I’ve seen this for group programs and 1:1 services and it just feels downright icky. The tactic plays on our fear of missing out on a good deal but here’s the thing, the discounted price is the one they want to charge you anyway. The inflated post-deadline price is there just to manipulate you into saying yes.

Why I don’t think this works
Simply put, it feels gross. These days most buyers are on to this tactic and even though it still works on many, the result is the undermining of trust. I can’t tell you how many people have signed up for pricey programs that promise big results only to seek me out months or years later feeling tricked and ashamed of themselves for falling for dishonest tactics. They never got the results they were promised and feel betrayed by the whole process. It makes me so sad.

When I first started to see this tactic for what it was and understood the manipulation involved, I started to identify how it felt in my body when it was happening to me so I could become more conscious in my own purchasing decisions. These days whenever I see something for sale and I feel anxious or torn about buying it and I feel pressure to buy because of a deadline, I know that I’m being manipulated and I can now breathe through it and move on.

The ethical alternative: Only use real deadlines, like when there is an actual start date for a live program. If there is limited availability or you need to use a deadline, then let people know when or if you might be offering it again. Do what you can to put people at ease around their purchasing decision rather than have them buy out of anxiety or fear.

So there you have it, 5 tactics you may have experienced or even employed (there is no judgement here) and why I don’t use them and what you might consider using instead. In essence, I believe that these tactics eradicate trust between you and your would-be client, my hope is that the alternatives provided show you a new way to foster greater levels of trust between you and your clients.

I hope you found them useful. I’d love to know, is there anything you would add to this list? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.



Once a week, in the form of an e-letter, I share the best of what I know about building a business with integrity for conscious business owners.

The intention behind these letters is to be a voice for integrity within your (undoubtedly) cluttered inbox. To be the one email you can count on to contain strategic and soulful advice for building a business without selling your soul.

If you want to receive the Soulful Strategies Weekly, simply share with me your name and email address below and you’ll start recieving emails right away.