A Natural Approach to Growing Your Business (An Interview)
“I really, truly believe we need to eject ourselves from this dominant paradigm that says we always have to do more, be more and have more…and actually we need to slow down and come back to a more natural, sane, slow, thoughtful, methodical way of doing business.”
[07:30] Natural productivity – what it is and how to access it: “every natural cycle has phases, it has a resting phase and it has an active phase. For every summer there’s a winter, for every day there’s a night and for every elderly person there’s a young child. There’s always these polarities in nature and we just sort of forget that we have those too.”
[09:45] Honouring the ebb: “The ebb actually creates the flow…it actually provides the energy and the juice for the flow to happen again.”
“Everything in business takes longer than we want them to or expect them to.”
[13:45] It’s not a linear process: “We’re going around a cycle…it’s actually a slow, iterative, evolutionary process.”
[15:47] The roots of business: “You can’t fruit if you don’t root.”
[18:50] Helping your niche to evolve: “you learn more by actually doing.”
[22:40] Breaking the habit of working too hard: “That’s where my work is”
[24:24] Having a back-up: “If I had any advice to newer business owners it’s to not have to put everything on your baby business to support you in X amount of time.”
[26:15] Managing your business through the ebb: “Sometimes a true stopping is necessary and we need to listen closely for when that’s really true.”
“Marketing consistency is important.”
[31:00] Parting words of wisdom: “A big one is patience and just really getting that it takes time and to really normalize the fact that the vast majority of people are not growing their businesses as quickly as they would have you believe in their FB ads.”
If you would prefer to listen to this interview rather than watch the video you can do so over on Soundcloud by clicking below.
Resources mentioned:
- To find out more about Tad Hargrave‘s Point of View book click here.
Want to know more about Julie:
Julie Wolk helps hard-working coaches, consultants, and healers, grow rooted, blossoming, burnout-free businesses modeled after the way nature works. She’s a firm believer that if we step off the hamster wheel, and tune into nature’s rhythms, we can grow more sustainable lives, businesses and even—gasp!—a better world. A lifelong nature freak, she has over 15 years of experience turning vision into reality (including co-founding and formerly co-directing Wilderness Torah), and would love to help you create a simpler, more enjoyable, nature-led life and business. She offers private business coaching online and in nature, the annual Replenish Winter Reflection & Strategy Retreat for Women Entrepreneurs, the Roots of Business home study course, and the Redwood Circle Women’s Business Community.
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