Create Your Sustainable Business Model
ONLINE WORKSHOPIs business model one of those things that you feel you should pay more attention to but don’t really know where to start?
Over the years, business model has become one of my biggest business obsessions.
During the early years of building a business, I made several business model mistakes and paid the price:
Working too hard for little return.
I learned the hard way that being intentional about my business model was the key to sustainability, both in terms of income and my energy to keep showing up to serve my people.
These days, sustainability lies the heart of every business decision I make.
My business model has become the answer to the question:
How can I build a business that makes the most money possible, with the greatest amount of ease, without sacrificing impact?

Introducing the Create Your Sustainable Business Model Workshop
Pulling together everything I’ve learned about business model over the last decade of being a business owner, I’m hosting a 2-hr online and interactive workshop, which will include teaching and co-working on creating your sustainable business model.
In this class, I walk you through the following:
* What a business model is *
* The 5 key elements of a sustainable business model *
* Common business model mistakes *
* The questions you should be asking and answering to create a model that works for you *
Throughout the class, we’ll work together to answer a series of business model questions, that will help you as you create, tweak or completely redesign your sustainable business model.
What you’ll receive
- Access to a 2 hour workshop.
- Recording of the session in the event you can’t make it live.
- A copy of the slides used in the workshop.
- A detailed Resource Guide that shares more information than we cover on the live call, including links to useful further reading, templates and other resources.
- Business Model templates so you can easily calculate how your business model fares against your financial goals.
Register your spot
The cost of this training is 35 euros.
To register for this workshop to get access to all of the above, click the button below.
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