  1. Marketing
  2. Operations
  3. Business Model

This is all about the reason your business exists and the ideas and big why upon which it is built. It’s the message you share with the world. Under purpose it’s important to explore and identify those very things that makes your business unique — it’s what separates you from others in your field and helps people to know that you are the business owner they want to work with.

  • Your core message, which I describe as the big idea behind your business. Not sure what yours is, consider what business related idea you would share if you were to give a TED talk. Mine for reference is this: When you change the way you do business, you change the world. You can read more about what I mean by this here.
  • Your point of view, which is basically your take on how to solve the problem the problems your clients have. It’s your opinion on the best possible course of action to get the results people are looking for. To read more about point of view head here.
  • Your framework, this is the how of your business, it’s your particular approach to facilitating the transformation your clients seek. What I’m sharing here in this blog is, in essence, my framework for building and growing a conscious and sustainable business.

This as an “area” to focus on can often feel huge and overwhelming, especially given how much conflicting and toxic advice there is out there on the internet. Personally, I like to keep it simple. First of all I like to reframe marketing from marketing to our audience to connecting with our audience. Often the first step we need to make is to change how we think about marketing. Click here for more on that.

  • Practice regular outreach, which essentially involves reaching out to people 1:1 and developing meaningful relationships, which over time inevitably lead to sales as well as a host of other opportunities and friendships. To watch a presentation I gave about outreach, head here.
  • Conduct audience research. I can’t tell you how many people fail to ask their audience what they think, what they are struggling and what they want. Conducting audience research is a wonderful way to build relationships, get invaluable information about how to help our ideal clients and a great source of the specific language we can use to better connect with our ideal clients and get sales. To read about different ways to do this head here.
  • Offer a generous freebie. I’m not a fan of pithy email opt-ins designed to get people on your list but I am a fan of generous freebies, such as full, pitch free gift sessions or high value free workshops (as opposed to time-wasting webinars). In my experience when you wow people with a generous freebie, both sales and loyalty are much more likely. To read more about my approach to gift sessions head here.
  • Your processes and systems. As my business has grown, I’ve had to get serious about having strong systems in place. If I didn’t it would be chaos over here. Often we think that we don’t need systems (because we’re still small) or that systems will stifle our creativity but I promise you that having solid systems in place allows you to focus on the important work of delivering your services without wasting countless hours on unnecessary admin and busy work. To access a systems checklist I use with clients, head here. (If you make a copy you’ll then be able to edit).
  • Your support system, i.e. the tools and software you use, the tasks you outsource (or could) and any people you employ and how these work together to save you valuable time.

Your business model is the way you bring money into your business and as such covers the following:

    • Pricing. This is where you’ll want consider your positioning. Are you a business that offers premium services or do you favour affordable and accessible pricing? To read my thoughts on authentic pricing head here.
    • The customer journey. Some people might call this the sales funnel, but I hate the thought of squeezing people through a funnel. I much prefer to think of the path my potential clients take to the front door of my business. You’ll also want to consider what kind of marketing you’ll need for each individual product or service. How you market a group program that happens once a year is very different to how you might need to market an ongoing membership. To read more on pathways head here.



    Once a week, in the form of an e-letter, I share the best of what I know about building a business with integrity for conscious business owners.

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