Daily Rituals for Greater Clarity + Meaningful Productivity

Daily Rituals for Greater Clarity + Meaningful Productivity

This is a pin that contains the title of the post plus a flat lay image of a women's arms holding a cup of tea next to some flowers.

Recently one of the women inside my Female Business Academy asked me to share my daily routine, as she had been struggling to find structure in her own daily business routine. As is often the way, I wanted to take some time to contemplate my answer so as to give her the most thoughtful response possible. I know first hand what a huge difference having a meaningful structure or routine can make on your working day and because of this, I decided to write my response up as this post. In it I share how I structure my day for greater clarity, focus and meaningful productivity.


Be intentional about your day.

I’m a big fan of living and working intentionally, what that looks like for me is taking time to consider what best supports me to fulfil my personal and professional potential on a day-to-day basis and then making sure I do more of that while also considering what gets in the way of me showing up as my best self and making sure I do work to eliminate that.

One of the biggest things that has thwarted me in my personal and professional pursuits over the years, is what Jamie Smart refers to as contaminated thinking, those niggling and repetitive worries, doubts and internal criticisms that stop us from fully showing up as our authentic and uncensored selves.

You know how it goes. “I can’t publish a blog because people might think it’s rubbish.” Or “who am I to call myself a business coach when I’m still figuring things out myself.” Or “I’ll never be successful at this, I should go and get a 9-5 job with a regular income.”

We all have thoughts like these a hundred times a day, including me, and when left unchecked, they reek havoc on our ability to show up in our businesses to do what we feel we’ve been put on this earth to do and to fully serve our people, using the full potency of our personal gifts.

To combat this I realised many years ago that if I didn’t get intentional about my day, then I was leaving myself at the mercy of, not only, my doubts and fears, but also my circumstances and a multitude of possible interruptions and distractions.

What has served me in my business, therefore, has been to intentionally create a daily routine that supports me to quieten the noise in my mind and to put in place structures that most support my focus and productivity.


Spending the first moments of my day mindfully 

Each morning before I do anything else (sometimes after or as I eat breakfast and drink coffee) I write 750 words for my Morning Pages. Morning pages is what Julia Cameron (Author of the Artist’s Way) describes as a clearing exercise. Watch this video to hear her describe how they work.

And she has this to say about them:

“The bedrock tool of a creative recovery is a daily practice called Morning Pages. Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning. *There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages*–they are not high art. They are not even “writing.” They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind– and they are for your eyes only. Morning Pages provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand. Do not over-think Morning Pages: just put three pages of anything on the page…and then do three more pages tomorrow.”

I don’t do 3 pages of long hand as she advocates, instead I type into a document (on Scrivener) 750 words, which is the accepted online equivalent of Cameron’s three pages.

In my morning pages I write everything and anything that comes to mind and I use it as a way to get all of my thinking, worries and overwhelm out of my head and onto the page. I sometimes use it to explore my priorities for the day or a topic for a blog post or an outline for a class I’m teaching. But it’s not all business, I’ll also write about my family life, my relationship, my little boy (and usually how little sleep we got the night before with him!)

After that, I check in with myself about what I feel grateful for and what I would like to call more of into my life and I write it on a piece of paper which I place on my altar, I then burn some incense and light a candle before meditating for around 15 minutes. To meditate I use an app called Calm, which I love, and listen to one of the guided meditations I find there. Currently I’m working my way through “21 days of Calm.”


I prioritise my tasks for the day

After that, if I haven’t already, I’ll eat breakfast and make coffee and once I’m at my desk I’ll open my notebook, write out the date at the top of a new page and write out the three most important things I need to get done that day. (Or use the Daily Planner below for a prettier way to record these).

I resist the urge to write out a long to do list, because this only ever serves to overwhelm me. Instead, I choose an achievable number of tasks. Even on our busiest days we can usually get through three things. 

Getting through those 3 things easily and swiftly has the added benefit of giving me a psychological boost which in turn does wonders for my productivity. Conversely having a never ending to do list has the opposite effect and can leave you feeling like you are always playing catch up.  

Blog post image that contains the blog post title laid over the image of the women's arms holding a cup of tea next to flowers.

I schedule my tasks (and breaks) into my calendar

Once I’ve got my list of three things, I’ll either schedule them into my calendar or write down timings next to each task so that I know, not only how long I have to work on each task, but when exactly I’ll do the task that day.

Normally I don’t need to do this, but if I’m really struggling to focus, I might set a timer for 90 minutes and set myself the challenge to complete a task in that time. Forbidding myself to open the Internet until I do. If I’m using this time-chunking method, I always make sure I schedule breaks of at least 15 minutes between tasks, enough time to go to the toilet, grab a hot drink and take a break from the screen by relaxing on our balcony with whichever book I’m currently reading. (To see what book that is as I write this post, click here).

If I get through all three tasks and there is still time in my day, then I’ll simply go on to the next most important thing I need to do.

A productivity tool that I’ve recently discovered that I’m enjoying a lot is Focusmate. Focusmate is a virtual co-working tool that allows you to have quiet co-working sessions with people from around the world. You start a 50 minute session by sharing briefly what your goal for the session is and then you get down to work with your camera on so that you can see each other. When the 50 minutes is up you briefly share how you got on and then go on your way. Having someone there on screen really helps with productivity as it stops you from getting distracted and wandering off to do something else and sharing your goal at the start of the session really fires me up to try and get it done. It might sound a bit weird but it’s actually quite cool.


I have set working hours

I usually start my morning routine (Morning Pages + meditation) around 8am after my husband has left to go to work, dropping our little one of at nursery on the way. My goal is always to be at my desk by 9am. I then work until 12.30pm when I break for lunch until 3pm when my husband and son head off to nursery and work again and I have a second chunk of work time until around 6.30pm. That’s a solid 7 hours a day on my business.

I’ve been doing this routine (or something very like it) for a few years now and it really works for me. Whilst I am fairly consistent with this schedule, there are days when I skip one or more parts of it and there are days when I add exercise to my morning routine. This is something I used to be very consistent with (you can read my old routine here) and then I had a baby. Now that he’s a bit older and in nursery, I’m working to bring that back into my day.

For some people this level of structure might feel restrictive but for me it’s liberating. One concept I’ve embraced that stops my routine feeling constrictive is the idea of being strict about showing up but being lenient about the results. George Kao has a great post on this idea which you can read here.

Showing up consistently has worked wonders for me in my business but I’m also always mindful not to be hard on myself if I skip a day here or there. The more able I am to forgive myself for skipping a part of my routine, the more able I am to do better the next day.

I’d love to know what’s in your daily routine or if there is anything I’ve written about here that you feel inspired to try for yourself. Please do share in the comments below and if you know anyone who would benefit from reading this post, then feel free to share it. Finally don’t forget to download your free daily planner by clicking the link below.  


This is an image of the Daily Planner that is available for download

Free Download

So instead of offering you a freebie and then making you pay for it with your email address, to get immediate, no email required access, to this lovely daily planner PDF, simply click here.

How We Sell Matters (+ Making an Ethical Move)

How We Sell Matters (+ Making an Ethical Move)

I don’t know about you, but I am so over the manipulative and icky sales and marketing strategies that are rife in the online business world these days.

Tactics like: manufactured scarcity creating a false sense of urgency that plays on our fear of missing out. Inflated promises that we can expect huge profits in a very short amount of time if we sign up to xx program or buy xx product. Webinars that pretend to be live when they are clearly pre-recorded (what is that about!? Do they really think we are that stupid?). Webinars that claim to be hugely informative but end up being yet another thinly veiled sales pitch. Pressure to buy now in order to make huge savings, using offers that threaten to disappear in a matter of hours or days.

Oh countdown timers I see you and I purposefully choose to ignore you. 

These tactics and many more like them are not only harmful to us as consumers, but they are potentially damaging to us as business owners. When we start to believe that we need to engage in unethical sales practices like these, in order to succeed, we do ourselves, our businesses and our clients a huge disservice. 

A few months ago I read an eye-opening e-book called “Don’t Buy Now” written by Mark Silver of Heart of Business and it changed everything for me about how I want to run my business. In it Mark shares, some of the most common unethical sales strategies we are likely to encounter, specifically in the realm of business coaching, but that also apply to many other things you might buy online.

As a Business Coach myself you can bet that I sat up and took notice of what he had to say on this topic and it shocked me to realise that I, myself,  had unconsciously adopted some practices that were less than ethical. Since reading Don’t Buy Now (which I highly recommend) I’ve made it my mission to educate myself further on the topic of running an ethical and conscious online business. 

And, as is often the way, since I made this my mission, the right teachers, mentors and resources have magically started to appear. People like Tad Hargrave, George Kao, Molly Mandelberg and Julie Wolk to name a few and even more recently I was delighted to discover The Ethical Move, a movement to create a new standard of marketing based on trust and honesty. How good that sounds to my soul. Marketing based on trust and honesty. Count. Me. In.


Charm Prices 

So whilst there are lots of things I’m changing about how I do business based on everything I’m learning, things that I will be sharing with you, my audience, in this post I wanted to share with you the pledge I’ve recently made as a signed up member to The Ethical Move. 

That pledge is to stop using ‘charm prices’ and instead to round up prices to whole numbers. So using a round number like $200 instead of a charm price like $197.

“Charm prices are used to make a product appear cheaper than it is, bypassing the conscious choice of the buyer. They are only created to generate more sales and do not benefit the buyer in the least.” 

Simple tactics like these might seem harmless enough, but the bottom line is that they are designed to manipulate the buyer into making a decision they otherwise might not make. This might be okay for some business owners but, as someone who deeply values integrity, it’s not okay for me.

I don’t want someone to buy one of my products or services because I tricked them into thinking it was cheaper than it is. I want people to buy my products and services feeling empowered and informed of all the facts.


Take the pledge

If you feel called to support The Ethical Move and to sign up for this pledge, you can do so by clicking the image below. What I love about this movement, is that once you sign up for the pledge they will check your website to make sure that you are true to your word (yay integrity) and once satisfied you’ll be granted permission to use a badge (like the one below) to promote your pledge to your customers and clients.


I’d love to know what this post brings up for you and for you to share in the comments any marketing tactics that really get under your skin and/or any ethical alternatives you’ve seen or use. Don’t be shy, join this important and long overdue conversation.



Finally, I’d also like to invite you to subscribe to my weekly soulful strategies e-letter where I share my best business advice to support purpose-driven entrepreneurs to succeed in business while staying rooted in their integrity.

Please know that I do occasionally share details of my products and services with my subscribers but you can rest assured that I do so without using any tactics designed to manipulate you to buy them. If you want to receive them, simply share with me your name and email address below and you’ll immediately get added to my list.

Alignment, Authenticity + Tactical Magic (An Interview)

Alignment, Authenticity + Tactical Magic (An Interview)


It’s really important to come together. I think the female version of doing business is really about community and coming together and sharing resources and ideas so that we can all rise together.”

[02:03] Tactical Magic is about: “putting the magic and the heart and the humanity and the metaphysical together with the practical tools and the tech and the strategy and the tactics that will together allow us to both be ourselves and grow our businesses and do that in a really powerful way.”

[12:19] On finding your niche: “There is no way to cognitively figure out the right niche. You can’t think your way to it, clarity does not come from thinking, the only way to get clarity is to take action. And you’re going to take action on the wrong thing a number of times before you hit on the right thing.”

[12:47] On what it means when your focus pivots.

[17:17] On transitioning from a Vagabond gypsy to business owner. 

To find out more about Katherine Johnson and her work click here

[20:21] “I started to realise that I could design my life however I wanted and I am in control of changing my business so that it can fit into that life so that it can provide for me as I live the adventure I want to live.”

[25:45] On productivity and working less: “to have time off like that you need to be using the time on really strategically, so putting in place productivity skills and tools so you can maximise your efforts when you are working.”

[34:41] Molly answers this question: What do you know now that you wish you’d known when you started out in business? “Take fierce action to follow your nose and trust that it will take you where you’re supposed to go.”

[37:00] On letting go of self-judgement:


“Do what’s needed for you and don’t make yourself wrong for it.”

[37:00] On the secret sauce on blasting through limiting beliefs and going to the next level. 

[37:00] “It’s really important to find your mentor…find someone who is talking about things that light you up and absorb that…your input really impacts your output.”


If you would prefer to listen to this interview rather than watch the video you can do so over on Soundcloud by clicking below. 


Resources mentioned:

  • Molly has a podcast called “Tactical Magic” which you can find here.
  • To find out more about Katherine Johnson and her work click here.
  • To find out more about Tad Hargrave‘s Niching Spiral click here.
  • To find out more about Sean Wes and the Overlap Technique click here.
  • To find out more about Access Consciousness click here.
  • To access Molly’s Tarot Quiz click here.

Want to know more about Molly:

Molly Mandelberg is the Founder of Wild Hearts Rise Up and Creator of Your Money Machine: The Wild Woman’s Approach to a Heart Centered Sales funnel. As a tech-savvy strategist, Molly supports coaches, healers, and emerging thought-leaders to expand their outreach, so they can connect with more people, and make more money with less time spent. With the heart of a writer and the brain of an engineer, Molly is uniquely qualified to support her people to not only connect the dots and tackle the tech, but also to craft their deep work into inspiring content and hot copy. She is known for taking the overwhelm out of big exciting projects, so that they can be birthed into the world and received by those who need them.

  • Check out Molly’s website here.
  • Find Molly on Facebook here.




Once a week, in the form of an e-letter, I share the best of what I know about building a business with integrity for conscious business owners.

The intention behind these letters is to be a voice for integrity within your (undoubtedly) cluttered inbox. To be the one email you can count on to contain strategic and soulful advice for building a business without selling your soul.

If you want to receive the Soulful Strategies Weekly, simply share with me your name and email address below and you’ll start recieving emails right away.